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Sídlo firmy
Mon-Fri, 9:00-17:00 GMT
predajne DEBRA
Community Support & Membership teams
member@debra.org.ukMediálne otázky
debranews@debra.org.ukFundraising (and non-furniture donation)
fundraising@debra.org.ukFundraisingové udalosti
events@debra.org.ukHoliday home bookings
Dobrovoľníctvo@debra.org.ukChange of personal details
Obavy, sťažnosti a komplimenty
Vítame vaše pripomienky a spätnú väzbu, pretože sa snažíme ponúknuť tie najlepšie služby, ktoré môžeme poskytnúť v rámci našej organizácie.
DEBRA UK defines a compliment as a customer statement of positive recognition or praise for a service or individual – any compliments will be passed on to the relevant staff or volunteer.
DEBRA UK defines a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction by a person or persons receiving a service from the charity that cannot be immediately resolved, and about which the complainant desires follow-up action to be taken and a response provided. All complaint information will be held sensitively and destroyed after one year unless there is a valid reason to keep it for longer. We will acknowledge all complaints within 2 working days of receipt. Once your complaint has been investigated we will endeavour to respond within 28 days.
For any compliments or concerns, please fill in our formulár komplimentov a sťažností.