Prejsť na obsah

Ochrana osobných údajov

(Upravené v novembri 2022)

This Privacy Policy sets out how DEBRA uses and protects the information you give us to improve the way we communicate and work with you.



DEBRA will always process your personal data fairly and lawfully. We will only collect information from you for the purposes specified in our Privacy Policy to deliver our services and provide support.

Riadiaca jednotka údajov: DEBRA, The Capitol Building, Oldbury, Bracknell RG12 8FZ

Poverenec pre ochranu údajov: Dawn Jarvis -

ICO registration number: Z6861140


DEBRA may collect any of the following information:

Meno a kontaktné údaje

Information such as your first and last name, email address, postal address, phone number and other personal data required as part of your relationship with DEBRA.

Informácie o platbe

This includes but is not limited to credit/debit card details, Just Giving, Stripe and Rapidata. This data is passed securely to third-party processors as necessary to process your payment if you make purchases or donations. DEBRA does not keep the details of these payments once the transaction has been completed. Bank details you provide to us when setting up a Direct Debit.


Ako DEBRA zhromažďuje a používa osobné údaje

DEBRA collects information to fulfil the charity’s aims and objectives. DEBRA may contact you about:

Shop Gift Aid Scheme

DEBRA has a legal requirement to share data with the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to collect Gift Aid on the sales of secondhand goods sold from our shops. DEBRA is legally obliged to inform you of these sales so that you can check you are paying enough tax to cover the claimed amount. We will use your information to keep our records up to date. This includes recording any changes of address and Gift Aid declaration renewals and will communicate with you via your preferred method. Further information can be found in the leaflet you were given when you made your first donation under the gift aid scheme. You may opt out of the shops’ gift aid scheme at any time. You are given 21 days’ notice to stop any claim.

Doručovacia a zberná služba do obchodu

If you use DEBRA’s shop delivery or collection services your details may be shared with third-party suppliers. These suppliers are required by their contracts to treat your data with the same care that DEBRA would.

Fundraising Gift Aid

Ak podpíšete formulár darčekovej pomoci, vaše meno a adresa budú zdieľané s HMRC, ak poskytnete oprávnený dar.

Tím podpory komunity a členstva EB

Our team of EB Community Support and Membership Managers record details of visits and calls to the people within the EB Community that they are working with. This may sometimes be sensitive personal information collected with your consent. This information is used to record the support/activity undertaken with a named member and to be used anonymously for reporting and funding purposes. This information will not be used for marketing purposes.


DEBRA is a membership organisation and is legally obliged to send all members over the age of 16 AGM information once a year. When you join our membership scheme you will be informed of the benefits and ways in which we will contact you. As part of your membership benefits, we will send communications, which include information about research and services provided, information updates, surveys and networking invitations.

Fundraising a komunikácia

DEBRA sends out fundraising newsletters, event information, thank you letters and appeals based on your giving history and mailing preferences. You may opt in and out of these communications at any time.

  • DEBRA INFO – News, campaigns and fundraising activities
  • Športové výzvy vrátane behu, chôdze a trekingových aktivít
  • Vinárske a gastronomické podujatia
  • Golfová spoločnosť DEBRA
  • Strelecká spoločnosť DEBRA
  • Bojová noc DEBRA

DEBRA vás môže kontaktovať, ak ste sa už predtým zúčastnili nejakej udalosti alebo ste sa zúčastnili sponzorovanej športovej výzvy. Odber týchto správ môžete zrušiť kontaktovaním nášho oddelenia fundraisingu –

Fundraisingové spoločnosti

DEBRA uses a third-party data processor to research potential corporate donors. Agreements are in place to ensure that any shared data is kept securely.


For administration purposes.

Ľudské zdroje

DEBRA uses a third-party online recruitment tool to collect initial stages of job application data. This data is held in accordance with GDPR law. DEBRA has an agreement in place to ensure that any data collected is kept securely.

Keď sa uchádzate o rolu dobrovoľníka

We collect your name, address, telephone number and referees to process your application.


Vyhlásenie o oprávnenom záujme

Under the GDPR rules which came into force on 25 May 2018, legitimate interest is one of the 6 lawful reasons for processing your personal information. DEBRA may in some cases process your personal information because we have a genuine and legitimate reason to do so. This will not affect any of your rights or freedoms.

Keď nám poskytnete svoje osobné údaje, použijeme tieto informácie na vykonávanie našej práce na podporu cieľov a zámerov charity. Niektoré zo spôsobov, ako to môžeme urobiť, sú uvedené nižšie:

DEBRA použije oprávnený záujem ako právny základ na komunikáciu s jednotlivcami, ktorí nám poskytli svoju poštovú adresu, ak účel považujeme za primeraný a zlučiteľný s pôvodným účelom.

Business-to-business and corporate partnership relationships

Legitimate interest will be the basis for DEBRA to keep in touch with named individuals at a business address and corporate partnership contacts. You may opt out of these communications by contacting our fundraising department. –


Mailing data is passed securely to third-party processors as necessary for items such as newsletters, Gift Aid letters, fundraising campaigns, membership mailings and AGM papers.

Iné procesory tretích strán

Controls are in place to keep data safe. A Data Sharing Agreement will be put in place with any external provider before data is shared, for tasks such as legacy marketing, and event booking services. The data will only be used for the purpose of the DEBRA project they are appointed to carry out.


Ako môžete zmeniť spôsob, akým DEBRA používa vaše osobné údaje

Keď odošlete údaje spoločnosti DEBRA, budete mať možnosť obmedziť naše používanie vašich údajov.



DEBRA považuje osobu mladšiu ako 16 rokov za neplnoletú osobu a pred zhromažďovaním a spracovaním jej údajov bude vyžadovať súhlas svojho zákonného zástupcu

Ako odvolať súhlas a zmeniť spôsob, akým s vami komunikujeme

You may withdraw your consent, and object to some or all of our Direct Marketing communications at any time by contacting or by phoning our head office at 01344 771961 and stating the mailing you wish to be excluded from. You can also use this information to let us know if your contact details change so that we may keep our records up to date.

Ak sa na nás obrátite priamo, napríklad so žiadosťou alebo sťažnosťou, použijeme všetky informácie, ktoré nám poskytnete, na vybavenie vašej žiadosti a odpoveď na vás.

You have the right to obtain a copy of the information DEBRA keeps about you. This is known as a Subject Access Request. A request for access to this information may be made in writing, to DEBRA’s Data Protection Officer – Dawn Jarvis:

Uveďte čo najviac podrobností o osobných údajoch, ktoré hľadáte, a o tom, či sa týkajú konkrétneho incidentu alebo konkrétneho dátumu/obdobia.


Zachovanie údajov

Any data that you supply will only be used for the purposes we collected it for. DEBRA will retain it on a secure database for as long as you use the services or if there is a legal requirement to hold the data, such as gift aid information.

DEBRA nikdy nepredá vaše informácie tretej strane.


Súbory cookie a podobné technológie

Súbory cookie sú časti údajov, ktoré sa vytvárajú pri návšteve webovej stránky a ukladajú sa do adresára súborov cookie vo vašom počítači.

We use cookies and web analytic tools to see how our site is used and to help us provide a better service. We also collect non-identifiable information: This includes:

  • Zhromažďovanie informácií o tom, ako používate našu webovú stránku a prechádzate ňou
  • Identifying your interests and collecting location data to show you ads on third-party websites – such as Google – that might be of interest to you
  • We use the Google AdWords remarketing service to advertise on third-party websites – including Google – to previous visitors to our site. This could be in the form of an advertisement on the Google search results page, or a site in the Google Display Network. Third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on someone’s past visits to the DEBRA website.

Všetky zhromaždené údaje budú použité v súlade s našimi vlastnými zásadami ochrany osobných údajov a zásadami ochrany osobných údajov spoločnosti Google.

Môžete nastaviť predvoľby toho, ako vám Google inzeruje pomocou Google Ad Preferences page. If you want to, you can úplne sa odhlásiť z inzercie orientovanej na záujmy zmenou nastavení súborov cookie v počítači.

The use of cookies does not give us access to your computer. They cannot be used to identify an individual user.


Zmeny v týchto pravidlách

DEBRA reserves the right to change the privacy policy as we may deem necessary from time to time or as required by law. Any changes will be immediately posted on the website. You are deemed to have accepted the terms of the policy on your first use of the website following the alterations.


Tieto zásady ochrany osobných údajov boli naposledy aktualizované 1.